There are only two certainties in life, and one of them is taxes. The other confronts us with an inevitability many of us don’t want to discuss. But let’s face it, not a one of us is getting out of here alive.
That’s why St. Peter’s Parish, with Father David’s blessing, is pleased to offer a four-part small-group guided discussion series. It’s been created by the St. Augustine Institute, and it’s called Eternal Rest: The Art of Dying Well. It looks at death from a uniquely Catholic perspective, which means sadness and grief are also imbued with hope and joy.
Preparing for death isn’t just about the practical matters – wills, health directives, powers of attorney, and so on. The “art” of dying well is also the “art” of living well.
Each of Eternal Rest’s four 30-minute video episodes addresses big questions about death by taking viewers on a journey from death’s origin to Christ’s final victory at the Cross and Resurrection.
Most of all, it attempts to answer: How do we, as Catholics, navigate the Church’s teachings on death?
If you’re interested, please call parishioner Patrick Houston at (415) 250-2196. Or email him at [email protected].
Depending on numbers, we’ll determine when and where “Eternal Rest” will take place. The only cost is a $15 study guide (not mandatory) and a small donation for refreshments.